In which I am *so* sick, OMGWTFBBQ.

Bread and I both woke up dead Monday, with some kind of nasty disease. We both slept pretty much all day, though I slept more than he did. He watched a bunch of DVDs.

I got up around five and made soup. We ate. I went back to bed. Bread stayed on the couch.

I had a fever all day; he didn’t. Fevers make my skin and muscles and bones hurt. I’m sore everywhere. Today I have huge tonsils and a sore throat but I think my fever may have broken around four this morning, when I woke up all sweaty and hot. We’ll see.


11 Responses to Holy Biological Warfare, Batman!

  1. Feel better soon! I miss chatting with you ALL DAY LONG!!!

    Grossly enlarged tonsils are HOT!


  2. Lynn says:

    OMG. I am miserable for you. Take care. Stay in and watch lots of shitty TV. Be well.

  3. Cootera says:

    Sounds like nasty mung, Mush. Feel better soon… you and Bread both.

  4. Brad says:

    Ugh. There is nothing worse than spring-time sickness. You kind of expect it in the winter.

    Hope you feel better soon!

  5. Ally says:

    Ugh. Hope you feel better soon.

  6. amped. says:

    Take care of yourself!

    OK! -m

  7. Cassie says:

    Take care & I hope you feel better soon.

    Is there anywhere you can get some good miso? That always makes me feel better.

    I think I actually have all the ingredients except tofu… -m

  8. phx says:

    yeah, miso. and if your throat is sore, honey and lemon works well too– hot water, and approx 1 tbsp of lemon juice and 2 tbsp of honey. goody goodness. hope you’re up and at ’em again soon.

    My family does that lemon & honey remedy, too! -m

  9. shenry says:

    That sucks. I just got over something similar (notice the conspicuous lack of posts at my site); it was terrible.

    It is terrible! -m

  10. naomi says:

    get better! good heavens but you’re inflicted wtih teh bane of illness dreadfully frequently. maybe hit up some ickynecia (i know it’s spelled wrong, but the way it tastes, my spelling is more apropos

    Echinacea, ickynacea. Heh. -m

  11. fullofhype says:

    yikes! i hope you feel better.

    and holy cool new template, batman!

    Thanks! -m