In which surgery would feel better than this.

Today I’d like to cut my tonsils out with a dull spoon. A teaspoon, or maybe even a melon baller. I don’t care, the things are gross and swollen and they hurt.

When I swallow, it’s like POW! ZING! POING! I can practically see the expletives hanging in the air around my head.

I was awake for no more than eight hours in the past twenty-four.

Bread, of course, is pretty much fine now. Which is why I wonder if I shouldn’t cut my tonsils out. I mean, no one’s sick as much as me!

In other news, my hair hasn’t been brushed in a really, really long time.


8 Responses to E is for -ectomy

  1. Sleep rocks!

    I’m pretty sure that I’m as sick as you 🙂


    You’re a pervert. That’s a different kind of sick. 😉 -m

  2. Brad says:

    Touseled hair with tons of body rocks!

    You know it! -m

  3. 80 says:

    sorry ’bout the tonsils. Blecch.

    T’anks, hon. -m

  4. Scott says:

    Hope that you feel better. My friend is actually having her tonsils taken out on Friday. She is the only person in years and years that I have heard of getting them out.

    I guess it’s not as popular as it was in the 70’s. They rarely do it to adults, I read. -m

  5. AmmZon says:

    Mush, I really think that you should have them taken out. You would be amazed how much better you feel.

    I looked it up. Sounds scaaary. Plus maybe it would change my singing voice? Definitely would change the overall accoustic in there, removing that much mass. -m

  6. Kris says:

    Awww, hope you feel better soon Mush. Been drinking some warm lemon tea? Just something soothing about the sound of that, warm….lemon….tea


  7. beulahh says:

    hey honeybuns. so sorry you’re sicko. you definitely need to be drinking heavily steeped ginger lemon tea. cut up a ton of ginger and squeeze a bunch of lemon into a thermos preferably (are you a good enough ex-roo to have one?) or else a teapot and steep that shit all day long while you’re sipping it. it’s the only thing that will make your throat feel bearable. remember: serious amounts of ginger. you won’t be sorry.
    and didn’t they stop removing tonsils because it was a useless and detrimental act? aren’t your tonsils your first line of defense? aren’t they important to your immune system? that’s just what i’ve gathered from random sources.
    i hope you feel better, mush. sore throats are THE worst. i feel for you.

  8. Lynn says:

    I’m sorry you are going through this. Perhaps it’s time to start dredlocks? Feel better.

    Start them? Hehe. -m