There are two bathrooms in the engineering building where I work my kick ass part-time job.

One is waaaay far away, all the way in the back of the building, and the “mirror” in that bathroom is really just a piece of polished steel stuck to the wall.

The other bathroom is literally ten paces from my desk.

The close one, the one across the hall, is obviously really convenient. But. It has a toilet I have to hop to get up onto.

Sitting up there, my legs swing. It’s like being four years old. I hate it. I won’t even mention how uncomfortable it can be having the circulation to your feet cut off should you decide to sit awhile.

The bathroom in the back of the building, the one in another area code, has a short toilet. Sometimes I go allllll the way back there just to pee in comfort, goddammit.

Is there anything wrong with that?!


Meet my cousin Paul’s new son, Justin!

Many of you may not know much about my cousin Paul, since I haven’t really hung with him in about twenty years, but he’s the cousin I took baths with when I was a toddler. So we’re close, in our own special way!


For some reason, announcing one’s pregnancy on one’s blog brings out all kinds of folk. I’ve gotten emails from Mark Polokow and Matt Ahearn in the past couple of days! How very super extra blown is that?!

Does anybody say blown any more? Am I dating myself?


I fear that what little interest my blog may have held previously will slowly leach out as I become more and more involved in my private journey of What Hormones Can Do To An Otherwise Moderately Interesting Human Being.

I watched The Red Cap on TBS last night. It was some cheesy holiday special directed by Chaz Palmieri and in the end I freakin’ bawled like there was no tomorrow, thinking, “Wow. Hormones are intense!”

Brett and I spent most of the weekend in our pajamas on a futon on the living room floor staring at the telly. We went out for breakfast twice. I made a cake. We bought groceries. My boobs actually made noise they were growing so fast.

Today I’m determined to accomplish some domestic goals, like (1) Do the dishes. (2) Do some laundry. (3) Find the living room floor. But I’ll probably just watch those baby delivery shows and feel weird about being pregnant at 36.

In case any of you were having a bad day, this will cheer you up:

There’s this stuff called Rainbow Light Prenatal Multi-powder. It’s “ginger ale” flavored. It’s got all the trad vitamins and minerals, and then a bunch of food-based good-for-you hippy whole food stuff that tastes like dirt, such as uber-healthy green superfood. You’re supposed to mix a teaspoon of it with water or juice and drink it, and it’s formulated especially for chicks who can’t take pills.

IT’S DISGUSTING. Be thankful you’re not drinking any right now, that’s all I’m saying.


Since we’ve told Brett’s mom, I can now announce it on my blog:

We’re pregnant!

Not very pregnant, just a little shy of seven weeks. But enough pregnant that I’m suffering constant morning sickness, my boobs hurt like hell, and I’m constipated. (This is due to hormones; they slow down the action of the bowels. Insult to injury. Fantastic.)

I’m totally useless. Everything makes me want to hurl. The dog smells bad, food smells bad, everything smells bad. I can’t smoke or drink. I’m off caffeine. I’m off drive thru.

I’m supposed to be eating healthy foods, but all I want is starch: pasta, cream of potato soup, bread and butter, crackers. It’s a fight to eat veggies, and I’m usually all about veggies. (I’m craving a glass of white wine like you wouldn’t believe, but there isn’t any in the house and I don’t want it bad enough to go and drive 26 miles to get it. Europeans drink wine during pregnancy and they make all that yummy stinky cheese so it can’t be all bad.)

I wasn’t sick sick Tuesday, I was just too fucking queasy to be able to survive the commute without hurling.

I thought – we both thought – that I couldn’t have kids. We gave up a couple of years ago, shortly after my last miscarriage. When I peed on a stick two weeks ago, I did it because I was a couple days late and feeling really bloated, and because wasting twelve bucks always gets things flowing.


Continue reading »


You don’t have access to your website log files and you don’t have MySql. You still want linkback information to your weblog, just like everyone else. What do you do?

Install Backlinks for Movable Type, a free CGI script. (I installed mine today, but it’s not working yet. Hurumph.) Off to review my config edits!


About an hour after I got up this morning, I noticed a bump on the back of my left hand. It’s the size of a pea and it’s under my skin. It doesn’t hurt; it just grosses me out, kinda.

So I got dressed and came to work and walked in and showed it to Buzz. “I have a bump on my wrist! It wasn’t there yesterday!” He took one look at it and said, “Oh, yeah, that’s a ganglion cyst. Cyndi’s had one for years. I had one on my foot once, but it went away.”

Naturally I looked it up (I LOVE THE INTERNET) and I’ll be damned if he isn’t right. He’s really tremendously handy to have around.

I rather feel like running home and getting my bowling brace, to keep my wrist immobilized. Or something. I hope it goes away on its own ’cause it kinda grosses me out. It’s just not supposed to be there. That particular area of my body is supposed to be smooth, it always has been before!

Ah, being a thirty-something computer-using carpel tunnel-potential victim is weird. Talk about insult to injury. First the puking, and now this.


I am super pleased to announce that Buzz finally has a blog: BuzzBlogger. Yay! (Go comment him to death.)


You know what turns me into a big, fat baby? Tummy aches.

My tummy feels reeeally bad and even though I don’t think I’m actually going to puke, I still feel sorry for myself.

Yesterday I thought for sure I was gonna puke, and I spent a lot of time holding the couch down and barely managed to get my ass to town to do my normal Monday errands. (I would have blown it off totally except we were out of dog food and I would have felt too guilty. I’ll not feed myself, but I can’t not feed the dogs!)

Today it’s better, but I still feel grody. Eech.


Brett bought himself a ’98 Dodge Ram V10 last Friday.

Somehow he got Sean over at Central Valley to write him a loan (even with his non-existent credit), and we drove to Burlington to Deery Auto Outlet and we left with a new truck.

I’ve literally never seen my husband so unutterably happy! He was so excited he couldn’t eat his dinner, which was steak gorgonzola!

He spent most of the weekend showing people his new truck. Saturday we drove to Pella to show his sister (and to see her in her pregnant state; she’s due next month and we haven’t even seen her since she got knocked up). On the drive back home from Pella Saturday night, we hit a buck.

This is how it went: We were driving down a 4-lane. Neither of us saw a single thing. Then there was a sharp bump, as if we’d driven over a large brick in the road. The truck didn’t even swerve, I swear to God. Brett pulled over immediately – we’d been going about 70 – and got out.

A moment later, he re-opened his door and said, “I’ve just wrecked my truck.” Then he closed the door and walked off. His vibe was awful. I’ve never seen my hubby so crushed.

So I got out and looked and and indeed, all the plastic crap on the front of the truck was shattered off and there was a big dent in the side. I gathered pieces of truck into a little pile.

Brett came back carrying more pieces of truck and told me we’d hit a deer and that it was “vaporized.” He was really bummed so I just squeezed his arm and we got back in the truck and drove home.

“I’ve only had it ONE DAY!” he said. “Talk about the fucking LUCK.”

At home he called the cops – he had to try a few counties until he got the right one – and made a report, and the next morning he called the insurance agency and opened a claim. Whenever anyone asked for his license plate and he explained it was only a day old and he only had a trip permit they’d groan with sympathy.

There go our rates, I bet. I was already bummed about having to add a full-coverage vehicle (I’m cheap and only buy liability), but now we’ve got a truck that needs anywhere from $2k to $6k worth of work! Sigh. I hope they don’t ream us totally.

The truck’s damage is like this: we think the buck came up out of the ditch on the driver’s side of the road and immediately went under the driver’s side tire, and its body slammed the lower portion of the driver’s door and the door behind it. So the grille, headlights, and other details on the driver’s front corner are all shattered, and basically the entire cab is dented in on that side. Since this is an extra cab, that means two doors and the pole are dented. The driver’s door is dented so badly there’s a half-inch gap now and the breeze blows right in.

Brett went to see the bank and the insurance people today and while I haven’t heard from him, but I think it will all turn out all right. I think he was mostly wigged out because he’d been SO happy about getting the truck he wanted and then suddenly it was smashed… and he hadn’t even been doing anything silly.

Apparently the buck didn’t suffer, Brett said. And I think once his new baby’s fixed my hubby won’t be suffering either, so in the end it might be okay. (Thank God we didn’t hit it in the Jeep, ’cause it would have been much worse and the Jeep only has liability!)

I think this is proof, however, for my assertion that no one needs a new car. They’re expensive, they’re not more sound than an older vehicle, and they’re nothin’ but heartache. Ten years old or better, that’s the ticket! No attachment, no stress! Just drive the damn things. And when you hit stuff with ’em, it hardly matters.

I am SO not an early adopter. Let other bastards pay for R&D. Give me the tried and true – and reasonably priced – any day.