Because having a wicked cold in May followed by strep throat in June wasn’t enough, last night I couldn’t sleep because every time I tried to lie down my head filled up with snot. I was miserable. (I don’t take decongestants because they’re too speedy, and I’d rather be congested than have a panic attack. I can’t even drink coffee without suffering six hours of lurching, thumpy arrhythmia, so pseudoephedrine is right out.)

I was totally exhausted and entirely too snotty to get any rest, not to mention the snot-slinging sneezing, so eventually I got up and tried, as a sort of science experiment, to surf for porn (a slow and miserable prospect over dial-up, believe you me) until my head drained a little and I simply could not keep my eyes open a moment longer. I finally crashed at about 3:30 AM.

All hail the Internet and the naked people thereon, that’s all I have to say.


5 Responses to Snot-locked

  1. amped!!! says:

    re: nasal stuffiness and snot
    i’ve been using this saline nasal mist stuff (walgreens house brand) – slow, and effective. it’s not quite like the nice, medicated decongestants out there, but it dries up the nasal passages pretty well.

  2. Cootera says:

    You can surf for porn on the internet?

  3. Cootera says:

    Seriously, I hope you feel better soon, Mushlette. Have you tried Zicam? Good for colds. Failing that, I’m all about cranking the air in the BR. ‘Cuz sleepin’ in humidity sucks ass. I swear I get sick from that alone.

  4. Jon says:

    Get some saline nasal spray and flood your schooz with it and the blow to your hearts content. Then when you’re all clear, squirt some more up their to keep your passages moist. You could also get a big baby syringe and do the same thing. It’s fun. We Jews have to do that a lot. LOL

  5. Mush says:

    I got the saline stuff. It helped. Thank you!

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