In which I complain darkly.

Nine days ago I woke up sick. Sore throat, swollen tonsils. Two days of fever. Extreme fatigue. I didn’t make it to work until Friday afternoon. I’m still a little congested and my throat’s still a bit sore.

Then I started my period. A week early. This is not only annoying, it offends me. My cycle should obey the normal traffic laws and quit being a bitch. I shouldn’t have to feel tired and achy and puffy and bummed out until next week. I just shouldn’t.

To add insult to injury, yesterday my right eye turned all red and got a bit weepy. Yes: apparently I have fucking pink eye. OF ALL THINGS. So I’m wearing my glasses and will be for the next few days. (Must call my optometrist and find out if I can get my lenses sterilized or something; I wear gas perms and they’re fairly expensive to replace.) I went out and bought a new lens case and new solutions; I may be enough of a slob to get pink eye in the first place but I’m not about to contaminate my own self twice.

On top of all that, I’m fat (I need chocolate) and broke (I need a nap) and all my clothes are stupid (and I need about five grand) and I have a bad haircut (and I could use a vacation). (To New York City! I *heart* New York.)


8 Responses to Despair

  1. Pink is HOT!


    You’re hot! -m

  2. Lynn says:

    Clementine has a bad case of pink eye, too! Must be sympathy pains stretched from Iowa.

    Are you serious? Jeez. Tell him sorry! -m

  3. Shigeki says:

    ugh, that doesn’t sound fun at all. Whenever “Sore Throat” comes up, I remember having a bad one a day after giving a deep throat to my bf at that time. But that wasn’t your case, was it? 🙂 take good care of yourself!

    *Chuckle* -m

  4. Brad says:

    I started wearing the disposable lenses years ago. Get sick and throw the damned things away. Not everyone can wear them though, especially if you have severe astigmatisim. You used to could buy heat disinfecting devices at the drug store. Check with the doc and see if one of these would kill the bacteria.

    Sorry you’re having such a rough way to go, sweetie. I’m sending telepathic hugs to you from the deep south. 🙂

    I do. Have severe astigmatism. Thanks for the long-distance hugs, I can feel ’em. -m

  5. moi says:

    i’ve heard that a large dose of chocolate does wonders for pinkeye. or, blueeyes, of which I seem to permanently have.

    Chocolate. I love chocolate. Didn’t used to care much about it, but the older I get the more I love its effects. -m

  6. Cootera says:

    Gee sweetie… sucks to be you right now. But maybe it’ll all be GONE by the holiday weekend, eh? **fingers crossed for the Mushlette!**

    I feel like a hundred pounds of shit in a fifty pound bag. -m

  7. Clem says:

    OH MIGOD! Me too! Throat, etc., and PINK EYE

    OMG, that’s so fucked up. What is this, an epidemic? -m

  8. shenry says:

    Pink eye? Good god, it’s like 2nd grade all over again. I thought only elementary school kids got pink eye.

    Oh, thanks, Shen. -m