In which today’s link of the day is revealed.

this is so funny. I gotta go rent that shit and watch it this weekend.


4 Responses to *giggle*

  1. enviroboi says:

    poo. blocked by the company’s evil firewall.


  2. Shigeki says:

    hahahaha. This is hilarious. that’s why I love “english expressions”

    I am sure it won’t be translated brilliantly into Japanese. But that’s a good part actually.

    Have a fanatbulous weekend.

  3. Jim@HiTek says:

    Too bad they couldn’t be bothered to do some editing to delete repeated expressions. Lazy fartin’ fuckin’ jew retard bastards.

  4. Mush says:

    eboi ~ It was just a page of quotes from the South Park movie Bigger, Longer, and Uncut. Sorry about your stupid work firewall!

    Shigeki ~ Did you Babelfish it into Japanese?! I bet that would be hysterical!

    Jim@ ~ Still, it’s some funny shit.