In which you go out tonight and party!

So tonight’s the big night. Big show at the Best Western in the ballroom, with my new band House 11 and all-the-way-from-New-York Bambu! Music, dancing, cocktails! Oh my!

Hope to see you there!

(Yes, I know the cover’s kinda high for this town, but we’re rock stars and we gotta pay for all that cocaine. Not to mention those groovy stage lights we just bought.)

Update: So I spent basically all day at the venue watching set-up and waiting for sound check. The stage is big and the lights are cool and if they can get rid of that annoying buzz it should sound great.

WTC’s been running his legs off all day because he’s not only our bass player but the sound engineer for both bands too and if he doesn’t get a decent break after Bambu’s sound check I pretty much expect him to collapse into a twitching puddle about fifteen seconds before downbeat.

As for me, I got Cramps From Hell™ (two fucking days early, mind you, and boy I am PISSED) and had to take a 45-minute nap in the band’s hotel room before sound check. Due to this I’m not so excited about my previous plans re: getting drunk and dancing my ass off during the Bambu set. I’ll probably sit in a corner and nurse a cocktail and wish my guts weren’t being vivisected by tiny evil demons, but then again maybe it’ll work out better than that. Being on stage does have a tendency to cheer me way up.


4 Responses to New Year's Eve!

  1. Shigeki says:

    OH MY. How exciting! I hope you will enjoy the last day of year 2006 at Best Western.

    That poster makes me think it’s erotic…. or am I sick?

    You have a fantabulous New Year’s eve!

    Shigeki from Year 2006. 🙂

  2. Mush says:

    Shigeki-san, you’re totally sick my man.


  3. 80 says:

    If I was there, I’d be there! Have an awesome show!

  4. EnviroBoi says:

    Happy 2006, Mushkabibble!!! *smooch*