No more drive-thru! Oh my ghod, I’ve absolutely got to start working out!

The article Carmakers widen seats for wider … seats shows you that we’ve come a long way, baby. And not in a good way.

Perhaps affluence is actually bad for the species? I’m starting to think subsistence living is actually healthier… at least for the ones who manage to survive.


3 Responses to So damn fat

  1. brainsyke says:

    I have watched washboard abdominals grow into a tire around my waste. Everyday I think I should work out, but could never figure out where and how. Ha! I just scared myself.

  2. Mush says:

    At least my feet are skinny. 😉

  3. Mush- Hmmm, I can still fit in the front seat of my old Audi 🙂 Now if they would only make the airline seats wider.