In which I eat Mexican food.

Hattie called me for lunch. She picked me up at noon and we went to Los Portales, where I had nachos originales and she had a chicken burrito. We saw The Holy Couple (Mary & Jesus) and discussed Misty’s upcoming birthday.

Friday she’ll be at the bar, and I’ll probably go to that. Then she wants to go to Iowa City on Saturday for sushi at Three Samurai, followed by partying and crashing in a hotel. That also sounds fun but I don’t know if I/we will feel like going for an overnighter.

In other news, I have decided to merge and my blog into one thing. Sadly, this meant I had to do all kinds of tedious hand-editing of the export (because there was no way in hell I was going to do a database edit) but I did it and here we are.

P.S. I realize that comments aren’t working. I’ll have it fixed shortly.
P.P.S. Comments are fixed now.


10 Responses to Luncheon

  1. Mush says:

    Testing comments.

  2. Testing comments again.

  3. amped!!! says:

    Way cool! 🙂

  4. amped!!! says:

    OK, I really meant that about the combined-blogs thing, not necessarily the Mexican food and sushi and partying talk, although that’s pretty cool too. But in a different way. 8)

  5. courtney says:

    Ooh! Ooh! It’s new! It’s new!
    Looks awesome. Love it.

  6. Mush- Awesome new blog site format. Love the numbers to the right of the comments. -Gregg

  7. Shigeki says:

    I feel like being at this cool bar in Tokyo when I see your new colors. Awesome!

  8. katana says:

    I like the change!

    Now how about fixing that sidebar! :p

    In my browser (IE6 – yeah, so sue me) the sidebar is being pushed down and begins at the same point on the page where the main content ends.

  9. FF free WiFi user says:

    Re: going out alone. Brett needs a wake-up call. He’s not at all independant. He’s a selfish, clingy baby, and he needs to grow the hell up if your marriage is ever going to survive. Husbands and wives should not be connected by an umbilical cord.

  10. Mush says:

    Yay the new blog!

    I hate IE because it doesn’t render CSS correctly.

    Whoa, FF free WiFi user, intense. I mean, I understand the sentiments but you sound like you’re married to him yourself. Snort!