In which I’m a wee bit confused.

Yesterday I did boring domestic stuff. In the evening, I made dinner. Then I ate. Brett wasn’t home, so I went upstairs and got on the computer and spent nearly 45 minutes trying to pay for his contractor’s insurance online via a slow, buggy site.

When I went back downstairs, Brett had come home and eaten his dinner, and then he’d put away the leftovers and done the dishes. Both of the cast iron pans I’d used were clean and dry on top of the stove and everything.

He’s never done that before.

The man in my house looks like my husband, but he doesn’t act like my husband. He’s been helpful and thoughtful and sweet and cuddly since our Big Talk after our vacations. He’s gone shopping with me, taken me out on Saturday night, and kissed me every time he’s left or arrived.

Honestly, it’s kinda freakin’ me out.

In other news, I need a gig. I’m thinking of making one up. Anybody want to be in a band with me? I’m thinking of doing a one- or two-show revue this Winter. Just for somethin’ to do. Songs I like with players I like. Nothin’ too intense.


8 Responses to Who is this man?

  1. Greg says:

    dude – i want YOU in my band. Call me asap.
    and happy birthday, btw.

    8- }

  2. Mush says:

    Your band already has a singer! I thought we’d discussed this already!


  3. Greg says:

    Oh, but I have so many bands!


  4. Shigeki says:

    You don’t like the way he behaves now? Well, it’s nice. It sounds nice anyway. You should definitely enjoy it. 🙂 be happy!

  5. Grog says:

    I don’t care what they say, SH kicked butt. I know it’s old news, but I’m just sayin’. I just listened to some old cd’s this morning at about 3 am through some high-end in-ear monitors. Tight as hell plus fiddle. I rediscovered the diversity of your vocal talent on “You Were Waiting,” and “Halle-Bop Blues.” Chris’ bass created so much movement on songs like “Is This All…,” it seemed like I was hearing it for the first time. He and TJ were clean, tight, and in the pocket. Of course Joe’s harmonic and melodic sense with that damned fiddle was hauntingly tastful. My opinion is that you should have that in your life. I want that for you. Here’s what i can offer:
    A) Let’s do a day of Mother Divine – we can sing a couple of the 7th Ray ditties. Christina has details
    B) A duo/trio – We’ll get some ’70’s, ’80’s, and ’90’s fake books and do our favorites.
    C) If you’re willing to sing harmony for the time
    being, I’ll try and set it up with band x and maybe band y. Gig’s in Oct, Nov, Dec.
    D) Come to Vail in late Oct for 7r gig.:razz:

  6. amped!!! says:

    You’ve probably reached a point in your relationship where you’re communicating and actually (you know) getting a point across.

    Nice when that happens. :mrgreen:

  7. I’m afraid I’m the deliverer of bad news. Your husband is having an affair.

  8. Mush says:

    Yeah, right. When?!??!? He’s always asleep on the couch!


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