Last night we went to Boulder after the guys got home from work.

First we went to a Mexican restaurant’s bar for the best margueritas I’ve ever had, then we met Jeff and went and saw Farenheit 9/11 at one of those theatres you can drink in.

(So in Boulder it seems you can drink basically anywhere, but you can’t smoke. It’s a pain in the ass, honestly, but I’m sure all the non- and ex-smokers love the clean air and yes I agree they do have a right to it. Just not in bars, for chrissake. Non-smoking bars are stupid.)

Amy couldn’t make it to drinks or the movie because she had to work. When she called Ron to beg off he said, “WHAT?!? Quit that fuckin’ job!” in a way that totally cracked me up – so much so that I was repeating the quote back to him for the rest of the evening. (You can tell he must get stood up pretty frequently by her job. I told Brett that that’s why I don’t make fifty grand a year.) (Sometimes Brett forgets he’s a slob and asks me why I don’t make lots of money. LOL! He asked me the other day how much I could make if we moved here because he’s all horny to buy property and build on it. I admire him because our current debt load daunts him not one iota; he manifests ways to get things done when he wants them done. It’s cool. Anyway, he was like, “I guess Ron’s girlfriend makes really decent money, could you do what she does?” I replied that I didn’t know what she does exactly but that yes, if I was willing to give up my personal life – which I’m not – I could probably make really good money. He had tried to tell me she “doesn’t work that much”, but I’ve only known the girl a week and she’s been woken up in the middle of the night twice and missed a movie because she had to go to work! And Ron was complaining about her getting calls at three in the morning. So there, Brett: the poor woman’s on call 24/7 and that’s why she makes the big bucks! Brett would so make me quit any job that interfered with his schedule more than once or twice; he gave me all kinds of shit the occasional times I was on call for LISCO or had to take support calls when he wanted me to be doing something else! He’s so funny.)

After the movie, Jeff took off. Ron and Brett and I went to a nearby rooftop restaurant for a late dinner. I was offered yet more booze but I settled for a giant glass of water and a half order of nachos. It was breezy and comfy out; no bugs and no humidity, and I enjoyed the conversation. Ron told us about buying his house and about a concert he went to; it was fun.

After eating we drove home. My ears still don’t like the altitude changes and tend to hurt for five minutes every time I drive back up the mountain. They also tend not to pop on the way down, so my entire evening was one of slightly muffled sounds. Maybe I need tubes in my ears, like they give to little kids? Heh.

I made a joke last night, when Ron said he hoped the weather would be nice this weekend, that it would snow. He laughed and told me to fuck off and said that he really wanted to ride his bike this weekend. Today the heat’s kicked on and it’s overcast and chilly out, with a big fat bank of clouds hanging in the sky. I was kidding about the snowing… or so I’d thought! All week it’s been hot in here (Ron’s living room) by this time of day (because the sun shines straight in), but today I’m glad the laptop is hot and I’m thinking about getting my slippers.

Since I’ve been here, I’ve done about an hour of cleaning every day. Not because I love to clean, but because Brett & I brought three dogs with us and if I don’t clean, Ron’s house will be a giant, filthy hairball when we leave. Ron says he generally hires someone to come clean when he can’t stand it any more; the place is actually really tidy but if I wasn’t sweeping every day there’d be hairballs in every corner! I had to scrub Bindu hair off the corner of the sofa where she rubs her little body as she’s going to hide in the corner! Silly dogs.

The cloudbank I’ve been watching is getting bigger and darker. I’m off to check the weather.

Ciao, babies!


2 Responses to NOW it's a vacation!

  1. 80 says:

    A kick-ass margarita sound pretty freakin’ good right now.

  2. karen says:

    enjoy the rain! (by that i mean grey-ness.) gotta luv it. 🙂

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