In which I’m planning my weekends.

I agreed to work 5 hours tomorrow from 8 to 1, so I’ll not be going out tonight. (Not that I would have been anyway; I just wanted to sound like I have choices!) I’m thinking of watching Mad Men (season 1, episode 7) and doing some knitting for a swap that I should have completed, like, a month ago.

There might also be some Mexican food, or pizza, or something decadent along those lines because I have basically been eating really, really well and want to splurge.

This weekend, I need to get my nails done and clean the bathroom and do laundry. Next weekend I’m busy: I’m playing the Fair on Friday night, have a hair appointment Saturday morning, and a winery gig Saturday afternoon.

The weekend after, there’s the Rally in the Valley (blues for bikers! w00t!) on Friday night, then my mom arrives (I haven’t seen her in, like, a couple of years) on Saturday afternoon, and right after I have a benefit gig in the Tri-Cities. Sunday I’ll probably be inundated with aunts, which will totally rock.

So THIS weekend? I’m gonna be mellow. And knit!


One Response to To Do List

  1. Jim@HiTek says:

    How in the HELL did it happen that your mom decides to show up the weekend Dan & I will show up? We will be there the 14th so we’ll get one night with you and JP? That sucks. Fuck it.