In which I am acquiring things.

I now have speakers and a UPS for my work machine. Still waiting on a proper desk and a second monitor. And a vid card.

But still! Getting stuff!

And my boss almost got me an ergo keyboard but they were $60 at Staples so I didn’t get one. Yet.

Also got a skin for my cell phone.

She who dies with the most toys wins!

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7 Responses to Stuff. Things. Objects.

  1. V says:

    Okay, so this is not about the toys, but about the dying. I liked the article you linked to in your left sidebar. But your comment “Apparently it’s legal to handle your own dead in most states!” rubbed me in ALL the wrong ways. I mean why the hell *shouldn’t* we handle our own dead? What kind of pathetic product of a nanny-state have we become that an educated, independent woman such as yourself thinks such a basic right merits an explanation point?
    I love you madly– I’m just sayin’.

    Exactly! I’ve never handled anyone dead. I don’t know people who handle their own dead. I was under the impression it was illegal and I’ve always thought that was stupid. Turns out it’s less illegal than I’d thought, and since learning that was cool, it got a ‘!’ Whoo hoo! I LOVE YOU MADLY. Take that! *smooch* -m

  2. V says:

    (oops! exclamation)

  3. Rochelle says:

    Umm…. What kind of toys??

    Oh, you know. Any kind. Even THOSE. 😉 -m

  4. shenry says:

    Damn my mom for tossing out all my old GI Joes, Legos, and Star Wars action figures. She’s put me at quite the disadvantage in this competition.

    LOL -m

  5. V says:

    Oh, well if THAT’S the reason for your ‘!’ I can live with it–thanks for the explanation ;-).

  6. Jim@HiTek says:

    There was a 36 year span where no one in the family died. Hard to know how to handle death when that’s the norm. I think I remember that you went to your first family funeral when you were 20 something?

    If even that young… -m

  7. Jim@HiTek says:

    I’ll have 3-4 ergo keyboards when I come down for a visit in Sept. Remind me and I’ll let you have one.

    Sweet! -m