In which I get the hell outta town!

I didn’t take a pre-spring vacation like I did last year, so I’ve been in the office without a pause since Vegas last September. (As soon as Amma’s tour schedule comes out I’ll be trying to book Chicago, and I’m also hoping to get to New York in late autumn.) Sometimes you just can’t have a good attitude if you haven’t gotten out of town lately.

I really, really, really needed to get out of town. I was sleeping too much, feeling irritated with my customers, and in general needing a little break in the old routine. I mean, when your mantra turns into “Fuck! Fuck! Fuckity fuck!” when you’re on the phone at work? You need a break.

Luckily, Teh BF’s birthday was Saturday! I gave him this:

The B-day Present

Which is a sweet set of sushi knives with chopsticks in a groovy case, and in return he took me to Idaho with him:

View from the balcony

Coeur d’Alane, Idaho! Where there’s a lake! And some leftover Rocky Mountains! And really good cosmopolitans!

We stayed in a resort hotel, ate an amazing meal, spent about an hour in the casino, and then slept in our room’s gigantic bed. In the morning we had the hotel’s VERY EXPENSIVE brunch buffet (apparently a buffet with chocolate fountain, ice sculpture, omelet and crepe bar = $30 a head) and then checked out.

I am the type of person who goes to a sporty resort and does nothing sporty at all. We barely even walked around; there was certainly no boating or fishing or water skiing or hiking or golfing or swimming. But the eating and drinking was stellar!

We took a detour through Medical Lake on the way home ’cause Teh BF was incarcerated there 23 years ago and wanted to have a look at it. He completely spazzed out and told me all kinds of crazy jail stories, like the one about breaking into the commissary and stealing cartons of cigarettes. Yes, when you’re in jail for stealing, you probably should not ought to be doing B&Es! Heh. My baby was a really stupid silly boy.

I took a lot of pictures – I brought three film cameras along for an overnight trip ’cause I’m a dork like that – but none of that is developed yet, of course. You can see the rest of my cell phone pics for now, though; they’re here. (Go look at them and come back. I’ll wait!)

When we got back to town Sunday afternoon, we went straight to KJ’s and passed out for three hours. (Most likely, those three hours were the most gorgeous three hours of 2009, but I needed the nap more than I needed fresh breeze and sunshine.)

When we got up, we ate at the new taco joint in town (it was AMAZING!) and then he took me home. I think I went to bed at ten, and slept until my alarm went off at nine this morning.

This morning I got up and packed my bento for the day:

Bento #77: Indian

That’s rajma masala. I made it myself.

Then Bindu and I walked to work. It was gorgeous and warm and I wished for a short-sleeved shirt.

When I got to work, the Yashica had arrived:

Yashica with tele lens and finder

Can’t wait to get a battery and a roll of film into it!


4 Responses to A weekend spent away

  1. Alex says:

    Film cameras? What is this “film” of which you write?

    Dude! It’s cool! It’s slow! You’ll love it! You take pictures… but you can’t see them for days, sometimes weeks or years! -m

  2. Jim@HiTek says:

    That Yashica is HOT! All silver & chrome and black with that huge eye staring right into yer soul, ya’ll. Not to mention the leather!

    Thank you! I agree completely! And it’s an aperture-priority camera, so after you set your aperture and focus, it will set your shutter speed accordingly. It’s really a joy to use… hopefully the pictures will turn out as well as I’m expecting them to! -m

  3. shenry says:

    Sounds like a great mini-vacation. I think that’s my problem too… spring fever has me itching for a break from this drudgery.

    And, wow, your collection of cameras is becoming quite impressive. I dig the retro angle you’re going for with these things.

    Yay for mini-vacations! And yes, I’m excessively pleased with my retro cameras. I’m getting rid of one and getting another Polaroid (Flickr swap), so when it’s all said and done I’ll have two 35mm and two Polaroid classic cameras. (And a few non-functional classic cameras; shelf queens.) -m

  4. Jag says:

    Rajma masala in your bento! How cool is that?