In which I find some stuff.

Somewhere there’s a goblinbox logo with Christmas ornaments on it. I swear I’ve seen it recently; in the past year at least. But where?

I want to use it, but I can’t find a copy anywhere and the original files are long gone. I dug through the Wayback Machine but it’s not there. I looked on my old hard drive and it’s not there, either. I dug through all the junk on the server to see if I could find it, and I couldn’t.

But I did find these:

I used to be hella handy with a graphics art program! But not lately. My employer won’t let me load any software on to my work computer and my laptop’s too uncomfortable to do graphics on so I hardly ever do it any more.

Where in the hell is that logo with the Xmas balls on it?! Gaargh!


2 Responses to Old Art

  1. shenry says:

    I’ve always admired and envied your original graphics. All I’m good at is steeling other peoples’ graphics and designs. I wish I had your skillz, because then I’d make you a new goblinbox+ornaments logo.

    Aww! *smooch* -m

  2. E.C. says:

    I just upped your my little pony porn search string by one because, of course, I had to read that post. And now, I’m wondering if I have to read the books. Checking the author’s books, I took a chance and clicked A Lick of Frost (or something), and yep, that’s one of them. E. Vil.

    Don’t read them! They’ll sear your brain! *giggle* But the boys (or elves or Sidhe or whatever the hell they are) are totally hawt. -m