In which I copy her.

I’m at work. It’s a quarter after five on a Tuesday and I’m the only technician on the clock. My phone could ring at any minute! and these are the tabs I have open in my browser:

  • eBay > ThinkPad A30 A list of laptop-related items for sale.
  • DUN 678 Work-related troubleshooting stuff.
  • Surfing for music to download.
  • Because I’m in love with this fuckin’ show.
  • BMI Phonebook For looking up local access numbers for customers.
  • Perusing headlines, and wondering what the holy hell is wrong with the world.
  • Screenshots for most common operating systems. I mean, I totally forget the differences between WinME and Win2k when I’m doing tech support.
  • For posting Twitters.
  • Recording Liars An article about Todd (who is Godd).

Your turn!

I received a new battery for my laptop today! I ran it down to 3%, and then plugged it in and now it’s charging. Soon, I will be able to sit more than 5 feet from an outlet AND BE ON THE INTERNET AT THE SAME TIME. Such heady stuff, my babies!

I’m eating chocolate because The Curse™ is descending upon me. (Actually, I’m eating a fudge pop-tart. (Yeah, yeah, it’s gross, but I wanted chocolate – damn neuroreceptors, anyway – and that’s all there was.))

[Note: the following link may contain TMI. YHBW.] I recently started charting again, not because I’m concerned with fertility – I’m SO not, I had my uterine lining scoured out, hoorah! – but because I’m tracking my PMS symptoms to see if they’re really that much of a pain in the arse or if I’m just a whiner.

I suspect it’s probably a little of both, but one needs must gather empirical data to see if she is, in fact, truly bloated three-quarters of the time or if it just seems that way ’cause she’s pudgy fat and it’s summertime. Snort!


4 Responses to Open Tabs

  1. karen says:

    (hehe) I created a meme – yay!

    Memer! 🙂

    You know – endometriosis doesn’t go away when the symptoms are treated. The root cause is still there and the symptoms will come back. 🙁

    I don’t think it’s endo. They were in there with a ‘scope (during the ablation) and didn’t call it endo…

    I have a friend (everyone has a friend!) whose doctor did an “induced menopause” kind of thing (involving massive amounts of artificial hormones) that she’s claiming is actually working really really well. Personally (for different reasons – new concept in birth control!), I’m thinking this may be the route to go.

    Or cutting it out! -m

    Anyhows, yay on the laptop battery!

  2. Kris says:

    People use WinME?? Wowww…

    I know, right?!? -m

  3. Pavix says:

    Surely the pic on flickr is not the same bindu as the one you brought from IA is it? You need to tell g`ma that while it is their job to spoil people after a lifetime of making their kids tow the line, she needs to stop feeding bindu anything but little cans of slimfast. And I say that as a 6ft3 280lb fatass and with all the love in the world <3

    It suX0r. *sigh* -m

  4. E.C. says:

    I LOVE eMusic! (I just haven’t had enough time to do much downloading for the past so-and-so months, dangit!)

    I haven’t gotten into using tabs yet. Everytime I accidentally trigger one (clumsy, old, fat fingers) I automatically close it down. Resistant to change. That’s me. But once I’m forced into something, I adapt easily. Still, I must have been hell on my parents. Yes, I’m the reason I never wanted kids.

    *rofl* -m