In which there’s another unrelated list.

Friday, I played a tasting room with the boys. Got drunk on wine.

Saturday, I did this.

Sunday, I napped. A lot.

Monday, I worked.

Today, I upgraded my WP installation to the latest version, and downloaded some jazz from here.

How the hell have YOU been?

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3 Responses to Stuff

  1. Emo says:

    You RULE girl!
    Just got back from Fairfield yesterday. Lots of people you know were in town too. Your name came up. We love you Michelle!
    Also, I put a link to on my site’s Contacts-page.

    You rule too! Aw, wish I’d freakin’ been there man! -m

  2. E.C. says:

    I wish you were playing the Ballard Seafood Festival this weekend. Maybe next year?

    Jeez, me too – now that I know about it! Seafood! W00t! -m

  3. 80 says:

    Sad about not making it to FF for the reunion. Alternately bored and not bored. Working on my crochet claw.