In which the Internet seeks to educate me.

My employer’s web site offers live chat support, so literally anyone can come along and open an IM session that pops up on my desktop.

This is the best one EVAR:



3 Responses to Esoteric incoming LiveChat sessions.

  1. pj says:

    This is why I go to you with all my stupid questions about computers. You are so erudite and helpful.

    *rofl* -m

  2. Alex says:

    Best tech support, EVER!!!

    That’s why they pay me the big bucks, kiddo. *cackle* -m

  3. Jim@HiTek says:

    All I see is one page ending with ‘many of them are, yes’. Was there suppose to be multiple pages?

    Nope. The joke is basically that the customer did not identify verself – there’s no name at all, so I can’t even begin to guess who the fuck they are or what they want, let alone what type of connection they might have – and said something utterly non-specific: “Computers are very slow.” Not “MY computers are slow,” but all of them. Ever. In the whole world. -m