In which there’s early, and then there’s “It’s so early I’m a total retard.”

I had to be at work at eight, so I got up at six-thirty. (!!!) It was so early that I actually forgot to wash my hair in the shower. I mean, hello.

Thank God my normal schedule will be noon to nine.

Gramma made me a fried egg and toast and a cup of tea. It’s lucky she did or I wouldn’t have had time to eat. (She rocks. She also had the jeep towed to her favorite shop yesterday ’cause she thinks I should have wheels with winter coming on.)

I walked to work down Second Ave, and because it was so early I was stupid, it took longer than necessary and I was three minutes late. (Gah!)

Training is going well because I’m so over-qualified that my trainer and I spent 45 minutes this afternoon discussing four-wheeling and the details of what he’s going to do with his Bronco.

I should probably be taking calls by the end of the week if I’m lucky. Since I already understand Internet connectivity issues, all I really have to learn are the specifics of the DSL hardware they use here and their proprietary call logging/ticketing software.

In other news, I hope to order a DSL connection soon so can get online from home.


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