In which I quote my roommate, Truck.

Truck and I got stupidly drunk on vodka Tuesday night for no good reason, and probably solved all the problems of the universe in the course of our brilliant discussion… but naturally now we’ve forgotten most of it. I did write this down in the throes of my intoximacation, though:

“Shame is inborn. Guilt is indoctrinated. Guilt is a tool used by others upon you.

“Shame? It comes from the inside. Guilt comes from the outside. Shame, you just can’t get rid of it.”

Nice, huh? Truck’s deep. And yeah, I totally live with awesome people! (AmmZon, who is not a fucking moron, did not get drunk on a worknight and stay up way, way, way too late. I bet her Wednesday hurt quite a bit less than mine did.)

In other news, the Band That Never Gigs will (probably) be playing at Waterworks Park the fairgrounds on the 4th of July! Right before the fireworks, I think! Be there or be square, my babies!

Seriously. This band only gigs once a year, so it’s not like you can just see us whenever you want to or something.


2 Responses to A Good Conversation

  1. BGhead says:


    I want to get drunk for no good reason with you guys. 🙂

  2. Jalal says:

    I just love being so drunk that I need to pick up a pen and write things that crack me up the next day.