In which it’s so sweet, the weather is!

Feet!This morning (and by ‘morning,’ you should understand that I mean ‘early afternoon’), I went to the gas station and bought the Sunday Des Moines Register. Then I came home and, in my Indian cotton wrap-around skirt and purple built-in bra tank top that AmmZon gave me as a hand-me-down yesterday, I sat on the porch and read it. The breeze was blowing, it was nearing 80 degrees, and all the neighborhood folks were out.

Bindu met the next-door neighbor dogs, a Lapso Apso and a Shih-tzu, and we – Bindu and I and our roommates Truck & AmmZon – met the next-door neighbor people, who had a flat tire. Folks rode bikes and walked down the street. Others drove, peering at the garbage pickup piles for treasure.

I took a nice fat nap in the middle of the day.

Later, I sat on the porch and chatted with The Ex and my roommates while Bindu stretched out in the yard trying to get cool.

Such a lovely day!


3 Responses to Sunday

  1. naomi says:

    that sounds like a very relaxing day. i was somewhat busy, but i’m content.

    Busy is good. -m

  2. Jalal says:

    I love early afternoon morning.

    Me too. -m

  3. Kris says:

    That sounds like a one fine day. Those aren’t your crocs, are they?