In which I’m day-dreaming.

A headhunter solicited me via email today. She’d found me through my account. (At first I thought it was one of those work-at-home spam things, so I made fun of her last name – which is ‘Bedgood,’ and like you could have helped yourself in my situation – but apparently it’s a real job.) (Mouth? Have you met foot?)

So if I manage to get a 6-month contract software QA job in Des Moines making a nice fat hourly wage, can I live here while I do it?

Please? Pretty please? I mean, come on! It takes dogs!

(Yes, I realize how this entry contrasts with the previous one. Hello.)


6 Responses to My New Loft

  1. Lady Wyvern says:

    Didn’t you just start a job?
    As to moving to DSM? Tommy commutes everyday to Grimes

    Yeah, I started a P/T job at a low hourly wage. This one would be full-time, swing shift, 6-month contract, at $30/hr. So, yeah, the math… it’s inexorable. 😉 -m

  2. Baby Girl says:

    I will help with you rent

    Suh-WEET! -m

  3. Only Me says:

    Well done you! Just take it!

    If it’s anything like Australia contract workers can just name a price. After paying you for 6 months to become accustomed to them the last thing they want to do is to waste another 6 months training some one else for the same! I was supposed to be outta here by Chritmas and now we’ve past Eater!

    Today they were talking about making me permanent but they can kiss my arse. That would drop my wage by half! And it’s too late for them now, I’ve got my fingers in too many pies (ok, nerd for too many databases) for them to train any contractor to my level. Evil laugh time: Mwaaahhhhahhhaa!

  4. Jim@HiTek says:

    Take it. Oh, and you could live in your own RV a hell of a lot cheaper then $2700 a month. B-t-w, I’ve worked some contract jobs that I quickly caused to be changed to part time because I knew what I was doing. Don’t make that mistake. Pretend it’s way hard and only you can figure it out…

    An RV is not a swank apartment. Sheesh. -m

  5. Lady Wy says:

    Yea, tommy did that math too.
    Its actually cheaper for him to drive tho, and besides, the blonde is battalion commander, we aren’t going anywhere til she graduates.

    I’m not from the driving planet; I’d have to sublet or something. I ain’t got no progeny making me stay anywhere! 😉 -m

  6. dharma says:

    As long as you realize your own dichotomy, alls good. About the place. Eh. Even here in the overpriced self-important Bay Area I pay (in theory I pay) less rent for a three bedroom house with a d/w, w/d, and a currently unheated outdoor hottub.