In which xkcd continues to be one my most favorite strips.

I love xkcd because interspersed among the math/geek strips are random gems like this one:


Heh. Guess what I’m doing this weekend!


4 Responses to Use "contemplative" in a sentence.

  1. Jen says:

    *heh* good one…reminds me of a story about my grandmother I should have never had to hear. Something about grandmothers, and produce just don’t mix. 😀

    GAH! Are you scarred for life?! *lol* -m

  2. Topher says:

    I’d die before someone sees me carrying KY jelly *blush*

    Giggle! -m

  3. copperred says:

    You haven’t fallen for the K-Y warming liquid commercials? next you’ll tell us you stand in the shampoo aisle and imitate Ruth Westheimer.

    I don’t want cayenne anywhere near, uh, there. Or anything resembling anything warming like cayenne. Because one time? Yeah, I was cooking, and had it on my hands, and visited the loo, and one washes one’s hands afterward, not before, and… yeah. Warming isn’t my idea of pleasant. -m

  4. dharma says:

    LOL! I prefer Good Vibes’s own stuff. I can only hope about what you willing be doing this weekend.

    Hah! -m