In which there’s a super groovy snow sculpture in the neighborhood!

Siberian Tiger Siberian Tiger
(Click to enlarge images.)

When I went out to extract my jeep from the snow drift I’d parked it in, Raybo hollered at me from her yard up the street: “Mush! Come down here and see what we made!”

So I started up my engine, swept off the windshield, and leaving the defrost running full-tilt, I walked right over there. I gushed all over their excellent Siberian tiger snow sculpture and immediately pulled out my cell phone to snap a few images. Isn’t it just the very most awesome snow tiger ever?!

Perhaps the dingo ate your baby, but that vicious snow kitty ate your loser Frosty the Snowman!


5 Responses to The Dingo Ate Your Baby

  1. naomi says:

    lol are they related to bill waterson? is traffic being tied up because people are stopping and staring at the macabre scene? 🙂

    I think it should be in the local paper! -m

  2. Jim@HiTek says:

    I don’t believe in snow, hence, there cannot be a snow pussy.

    Frosty is a looser. Granted.

    Frosty got what was coming to him, the creepy bastard. -m

  3. Brad says:

    OMG, that is the coolest snow sculpture ever! EVER, I say!

    Yesh! EVER! -m

  4. J-R says:

    seems a little graphic for the kids. might as well have that tiger ripping flesh from a zebra with a horn. that’s right.. a zebracorn. make a frickin wish!

    Dad. we had 4 inches of snow here last tuesday and wednesday. it shut the whole city down for 2 days. I went in on tuesday for an hour, got sent home, and got paid for tuesday and wednesday…. for free. Haha!

    Kids are terribly graphic. -m

  5. Cootera says:

    Wicked cool! I want one in my front yard!

    Have your people call Raybo’s kids’ people, maybe you can work something out! 😉 -m