In which IE drives me apeshit.

If you came by earlier, you saw that I was working on a new template. I can’t get it to render properly in Internet Exploder, though, so we’re back to the old standby until I can get it worked out.

Gauntlet #1I emailed my resume a few times today, worked on the gauntlets I’m knitting, watched TV, made tomato bisque, visited Baby Girl at the bar (she gave notice and won’t be working there much longer so’s I’s gotsta go visit her), and received two paperbacks off of my Amazon Wishlist in the mail (!!!).

A friend of mine was DDing for a drunk friend of his, so I was recruited to follow him in his friend’s cage to the friend’s house and then take him back to his car. I got free McDonald’s out of the deal, so that was groovy. It’s snowing out right now* but doesn’t look like it’s going to stick.

Now I’m off to bed; I’m trying to get back onto a ‘normal’ schedule so if someone decides to actually interview me it won’t feel like the middle of the night to me.

In other news, that Indian dude on Heroes is SO PRETTY. Omfg.

*The time on the server seems to be wrong; I’m actually posting at two-thirty, not four-thirty.


5 Responses to Gah.

  1. Brad says:

    Hmm. I viewed your site through IE7 and Firefox, I didn’t notice anything askew. It looked really nice and clean to me.

  2. NLW says:

    yeah, worked for me too. I’m on Exploder 7 too if that makes a difference. Liked the new look a lot!

  3. V says:

    I only saw it thru Firefox & I liked it. Very readable.
    That little bit of white piffle from the sky was a laughable attempt at snow. My kids were about ready to drum me out of the house when I pointed out to them that this, THIS, was the second “snowfall” of the winter. (If it’s gonna be too cold to swim, we ought to be able to sled!)
    Does your transition from India to US time allow for you to join us for lunch, or breakfast, or whatever meal it would be for you at noon, central time, Wednesday?

  4. dharma says:

    tomato bisque. hm, maybe I should make me some of that.

  5. Sin says:

    I only use Firefox now. However, more importantly, the Indian dude on “Heroes” is an exceedingly fine piece of desi ass. YUM.