In which I’m cursed.

Today, I called a number from the paper to inquire about a job. I got voice mail. I left my number… incorrectly. I had to call back to leave my number again.

Then I sent an email to another company that said my resume was attached, but it wasn’t. So I had to send another email.

Here’s my resume. Attention to detail my arse.

I think I’ll stop applying for jobs for the rest of the day.

It's Here!

In other news, AmmZon and I have a knitting date this evening. She’s going to start her first pair of Fuzzyfeet, and I’m going to finally cast on the sweater I bought yarn for back in May.

Here is an old knitting meme.


8 Responses to Job Hunt

  1. Jay Rob says:

    How is it possilble that the pic in this post, which was posted 15 minutes ago, already has 26 views?

  2. Jay Rob says:

    Clearly I’m an idiot and attention to detail is MY strong point.

    may 30th… whatEVER!!!

    *Cackle!* -m

  3. naomi says:

    would you please re-email me the links to the knitting instructions for the touque and for knitting in the round (like enviroboi is doing) again please? they were on the last computer which is now broke.


    You mean this hat? These instructions? -m

    oh, i’m still sending you reiki energy about the job hunt.

    Thanks, hon! -m

  4. Lady Wy says:

    yup, you are having the same kinda day
    1. Do you knit continental or English?
    a psycho combo of both
    2. How long ago did you learn to knit? .. 38 yeard ago
    5. First FO?
    a sweater
    6. Favorite yarn?
    oooo… alpaca anything
    7. Favorite pattern?
    8. Favorite pattern source?
    9. Favorite needles?
    10. Nicest thing you�ve ever knit
    The sweaters for my daughter, or the aran for the husband
    11. Most hated project?
    12. What do you have on the needles right now?
    socks and dog sweaters and a sweater for the daughter

    I fucking LOVE bamboo needles, OMFG. -m

  5. Jim@HiTek says:

    Don’t run with them…ever. Just saying.

    Of course not. Sometimes I trot with them, though. Just a little. -m

  6. Jim@HiTek says:

    Eyes, out. You know.

    I know! -m

  7. naomi says:

    thanks for the instructions. bran appreciates you too, because he’s going to get the first touque. 🙂

    I knit that pattern in the round, but you can see that it’s written for regular knitting so you can do it either way. I just don’t like purling very much, so I knit in the round as much as possible. -m

  8. Sister Spikey Mace says:

    Touque! A yooper or a canuck, for sure, eh. 🙂

    Canadian, fer sure. 😛 -m