In which nothing much.

I have a cold. I’m eating Indian take-out and drinking a China Cola at my desk. Several servers also have colds, and had to be restarted this morning.

It’s Rockstar’s birthday. I will probably go out for a drink.

That is all.


4 Responses to Tuesday

  1. Cootera says:

    Hope you had a whiskey.

    I had a fucked up frog; someone bought a round for the b-day boy. -m

  2. copperred says:

    When I saw my doc today, he asked me in a very sprightly way, if he could poke me. I got a flu shot.

    Have a few for me. In fact I think I’ll mentally send you a margarita.

    My doctor never asks if he can poke me. You’re really cute, though, so maybe that’s why. 😉 -m

  3. shenry says:

    Sounds perfect… except the stupid cold.

    *sniffle* -m

  4. Jim@HiTek says:

    Colds are natures way of telling you that YOU ARE NOT the top dog in the evolution of all species.

    Or not.

    Germs run the world, don’t I know it. -m