In which we return to the vet for a third time.

Picture015.jpgStella’s got another hemotoma in her ear. This is the third one.

It’s in the original ear. The hair hasn’t even grown back from the first surgery.

I asked what would happen if I just ignored it, and the vet said that it would eventually burst and be really gross, not to mention being unhealthy for the dog. You know, having a bleeding blood vessel like that.


I will be visiting the vet again tomorrow morning to drop Stella off, and she will give me The Look and I will feel really, really bad about it, and they will put her totally under and do the same surgery they did a couple of weeks ago, and I will pick her up tomorrow afternoon and she will be stoned out of her gourd and there will be a rubber tube sutured into her ear.

And it will cost over $100.

I. Hate. Fleas.

In other news, this morning’s interview went great… in the sense that the people were really nice and it was, over all, a pleasant social experience (and I looked fantastic, if I do say so myself). I was grossly overqualified because it turned out to be a shipping clerk position and they’re not going to hire me and even if they did I’d turn it down because there’s no way I could stuff CDs into sleeves for a living and be able to stand myself.

I’m doing a wee data entry gig at WGI in the evenings and possibly during the days if they can get a computer set up for me. So: income! Yay!


2 Responses to For the LOVE of GOD, Stella!

  1. Brad says:

    Poor baby Stella. I’ll bet you looked fabulous. Did you wear something brown and pink? Or maybe a basic black? Do tell!

    Oh, just business stuff. Black slacks, ‘real’ shoes (I wear Birks pretty much all the time), a dark grey-blue silk shirt, makeup. A bra. You know, stuff grownups wear. (Hah!) -m

  2. Hanuman1960 says:

    Poor Stella! 🙁

    Better luck next time on the job front!

    I know, the poor girl. She’s over ten, and I hate that she’s getting so much anasthesia this month! And thanks, I did get a temporary P/T data entry gig. (Oh, and HOLY SHIT I may never get over that ‘downward facing dog’ pic on your blog! YUM. *giggle*) -m