…that feeling when you glance over at the griddle and your bread has puffed up into a little steam-filled ovoid.

This stuff is so easy and so delicious I don’t understand why it isn’t just a thing that everybody always does. I mean, aside from a piece of naan here and there, how did I live forty-odd years without ever having had fresh homemade flat bread?

Store-bought pita bread is awful. Most store-bought breads are awful. (Consistent and cheap, yes. Tasty? No.)

Ingredients: Sourdough starter, water, salt, white whole wheat flour, water. (You don’t need the starter for leavening or anything; it just makes the bread taste awesome.)
Procedure: Put a spoonful of starter into a bowl or onto the counter. Add flour, water, and salt. Knead until incorporated. Cover and let sit for half an hour. (You don’t have to, but it gives the whole wheat flour a chance to absorb some moisture and improves the final texture.) Pre-heat a griddle. Roll the dough out and transfer to the griddle. Takes a few minutes per side; if the loaf doesn’t puff up on its own, press down with a kitchen towel.


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