In which it’s freaking gorgeous outside!

purpleflowersThese flowers smell like grape Kool-aid.

I don’t know how they do it, but they do. They might be my favorite flowers in the entire world.

They grow at the foot of a tree near our house, and every May we walk by them and smell them and every May we’re amazed that they smell just like grape Kool-aid.

Awfully pretty, huh?

I took this picture yesterday, with my piece-of-shit old cheapo digital camera with the broken flash.

Although Bread’s point that it’s silly to “ruin a perfectly good week off by working on Friday” is valid, I made it to town today anyway. I’m at work, but I’m not actually working. Mostly I had to upload a bunch of images for the eBay auctions I’ll be posting this weekend.

Bread’s selling a ’50 Chevy truck and a ’64 Dodge Dart GT, and there was no way in hell I was going to try to upload several megs of images over dial-up. No effin’ way.

(If you check the Flickr badge over there on the left, you’ll see it’s fulla Easter pics of our niece Parker. She’s a hoot.)

Last night I went to band practice. It was exhausting. BvB told me I sounded great. “For a sick person, you mean,” I said.

“No, for any person!” she replied.

My voice? Unbreakable. Yes!

Bread’s got the property lookin’ mighty spiffy and the barn’s almost cleaned out. Oh yes, my people: there’s a barn party comin’ next month, oh yes there is!


4 Responses to Lovely Day

  1. naomi says:

    i’d come to your barn party (were i invited) ‘cept i have classes 4 days a week. that works out to the equivalent of one week per day. just kill me now.

    You’re invited. *bang!* You’re dead! *giggle* -m

  2. beulahh says:

    i want barn party.

    I wonder how much it would cost to ship one via DHL? I’d need a really big box… 😉 -m

  3. Brad says:

    That’s a great pic of the flower. Wish I could smell it. Maybe when I come for the barn party? 😉

    Excellent plan! See you then, then! -m


    woo hoo!

    when? where? how?


    June, my house, with beer and BBQ! -m