In which I go on and on and ON and on about trivia that barely even interests me; God only knows why I expect you to read it!

Bread’s been cash-poor lately, so he’s taken to waking me up early in the mornings and handing me my checkbook so I can sign a blank check for him. I always mumble, “Bring me a receipt,” before sinking back into sleep. He doesn’t, of course.

The last time I sat to enter checks and receipts into my register, I just left the amounts blank for those three checks I’d given him. And then I forgot about it. Until last night, when I sat at the bar and updated my register again. Whoops! I had $26.14 in my account, and three checks I still hadn’t entered. Turns out those three checks totalled $211.

Oh, shit.

So last night I told Bread I was gonna need two hundred bucks today. He groaned. I said, “Well, either that, or $380 on Monday to pay the check amounts and the NSF fees. Your choice.”

He called me at work this morning and said he was bringing me money. (He’s not working today.) He took me out to lunch at Pizza Hut, where we had the buffet. It was totally white trash but it hit the spot.

I completed and e-filed my taxes today. (I usually do my taxes in February; I don’t think I’ve ever in my life left them this late.) The good news is that I’m getting refunds because my student loan was reamortized, getting me a big fat 1098-E from my lender so I was able to claim the maximum allowed.

I calculated both my federal and state taxes with and without that $2,500 on Line 18 of my 1040A, and while it didn’t affect my federal return either way, the inclusion of that interest deduction gets me a hundred bucks back from Iowa while without it I owe them $63. Weird, huh? Thank God for debt, I guess.

In other news, I added that QuickLinks sidebar (to the right) today and I love it. Love it! It lets me use to post interesting links directly to my blog. Trust me, it’s hawt.

In other other news, it went straight from winter to muggy and hot, and skipped the breezy part of spring altogether. Go Iowa.


3 Responses to Pizza and taxes

  1. Logan says:

    You should knit little wristbands and anklets and eBay them for $$$.

    Also, the weather did the same here, but I stopped complaining the instant FSU’s tanned, yummy track team ran down the sidewalk shirtless. Mmm!

    Ooh, yeah, hot boys. Good point! I shall keep my eyes open and adjust my attitude immediately. 😉 -m

  2. diana says:

    I thought I’d died and gone to tax heaven last year when I got the 1098 from consolidating my student loans.

    Then I realized that, since my husband and I file jointly, *together* we can only claim the maximum student loan deduction. Since we both have such astronomical student loans, it’s kind of a bummer that we can’t claim the minimum x 2.

    Yeah, I’m greedy. So’s the government. 😛

  3. Brad says:

    I figured my taxes and I owe those guys $13. I can’t claim Justin for my head of household exemption anymore. He actually makes a couple grand too much. In a year.
    Now if we were married and filing jointly, well…