In which you see the progress my househusband has made.

While it’s true that there are piles of clothes all over the house, the floors haven’t been swept in weeks, and there are little chunks and flecks of dried foods stuck to the kitchen counters, my home-bound husband has been doing a little something ’round the house of late.

I present to you… the Remodel Gallery!

The future living room:


The future kitchen:


The future upstairs half-bath:


And in other news, the peacock likes to hang out on the porch. Plus he’s grown a really lovely tail for this year:


Also I hear there’s weather on the way. There was a watch out earlier, but the NWS has just upgraded us to a full-on winter storm warning: rain, freezing rain, and snow in the region… all between now and tomorrow evening. Yuck.


2 Responses to Under Construction

  1. Lynn says:

    Very exciting! I can’t even imagine. I would feel so grown up. I think you should look forward to the bad weather. Bad weather is good when your poor–stay home 🙂

  2. […] unhappy about how cold the house is this winter, with all that insulation gone due to the remodel in progress. There are icy arctic breezes in places. I’ve been sleeping with a hat and slippers on […]