In which I tell you about my day.

…what actually happened today is that I spent most of the day in bed, reading ebooks from Fictionwise, suffering bouts of awful Cramps From Hell™.

If I were to anthropomorphize my own guts, my uterus would be the biggest, meanest, pissed off-dest BITCH you ever met. And she would be punching me in the head for no apparent reason.

In other news, a tiny muscle on the inside of my right knee has been spasming for two hours now. FOR NO APPARENT REASON.

I’m going back to bed. I’m obviously a useless mess. Hurumph.


4 Responses to Update: Dinner party? Hell no.

  1. Logan says:

    If your uterus starred in an ABC sitcom, I’d totally watch it.

    My tooth hurts. Hold me, biyatch.

  2. Mush says:


  3. Jim@HiTek says:

    Dudette, just get the damn thing cut out. It’s defective. No reason to punish yourself with it. Call your aunt Sue and ask her.

  4. […] ry sometimes it screws up my digestion too. Aren’t hormones fun? Last month when I complained about my uterus, my dad said in the comments that I should have it removed. Which seems pretty harsh, […]