In which I accentuate the positive! (Yes, I’m feeling much better today.)

It’s so nice outside today that I can barely stand myself. I’ve been sitting on the porch in the sun, reading. It’s so lovely!

Sweater UpdateI’ve finished the back of my sweater, and I am in the process of finishing the front. I’ve used half the yarn I bought for the project, so I think it’s safe to assume that I’m halfway done. Sweaters take an awfully long time to knit, people.

I want to highlight my hair. Someone should come over with a box of highlight RIGHT NOW. It’d be so fun!

Or, since my friends are hosting a lovely Bloody Mary Sunday, I might motivate myself to get dressed and go on over there instead.

In other news, I just randomly double-clicked on an MP3 file on my computer, and instead of booting iTunes it booted Winamp… which began playing a porno clip of a skinny girl wearing panties with cherries printed on them. It’s so interesting, sharing a computer with two other users!

And, just for the hell of it, because I used the words in the title of this post, here’s a remix of Filthy/Gorgeous for you.

Update: I have a follow-up interview here on Tuesday morning; the HR woman just emailed me. OMG, if the CEO likes me they just might hire me. A full-time job I actually think I want! Holy broken condoms, Batman!


9 Responses to Gorgeous! Totally Not Filthy.

  1. Baby Girl says:

    Hey that’s totally awsome that you have friends that have bloody mary sunday”s they sound like my kinda friends you should get dressed and totally go hang out with them. I’m sure they are having a ton of fun and your missing it.

    I was bleeding. It’s hard work, damn it. 😉 -m

  2. Jim@HiTek says:

    Ummm, where is the link to the skinny girl in cherry panties?

    I don’t know, *I* didn’t download it! -m

  3. katana says:

    Yeah, what Jim said! 😉

    Heh. -m

  4. Lady Wy says:

    Well, good luck with the interview. Things have to be looking up, hubby is gainfully employed in the job of his dreams ( customer service for motorcycle company )so you will be working soon, I know it.
    Meanwhile, the sweater looks good and there is a skirt pattern on my blog you might like.
    Back to knitting a hoodie for the daughters boyfriend…. Almost done with the back, it will be a quick knit, its on size 8s ( which is HUGE for me)

    I would never knit a sweater on 8s. You’re crazy. And I saw that skirt, it’s awesome! -m

  5. Chelsea says:

    Wow, that’s a lot of stockinette stitch. I’m so bored with the interminable 1X1 ribbing on the sweater I’m working on! What pattern are you using?

    I know, right? It’s knit mostly in the round, at least. (More on the sweater here.) -m

  6. Logan says:

    I started a hat two days ago that I just finished a while ago. If it weren’t for the fact that I’d done it on size 10 needles, I’d be upset that it’s a) too tight (I thought for sure that casting on fewer stitches than needed would work out okay as long as I used plenty of ribbing) and b) too short (it doesn’t even cover my ears. Or Tony’s). Le sigh. Live, learn.

    Your sweater back looks great, babe. I’d totally highlight your hair for you, but I heard I’d hit some snow on the way there.

    I honestly cannot think of a single thing that would be more fun than having you highlight my hair. Perhaps, after I’m gainfully employed, I shall load myself and my beloved dog into my jeep and DRIVE TO YOUR HOUSE SO THAT YOU CAN DO IT. Then we’ll eat enchiladas and play pinochle. -m

  7. Topher says:

    Did you teach yourself how to ummm.. knit!? I kinda miss doing something with my hands. I used to cross-stitch after taking a Home Ec class in high school. It was mandatory but it was kinda fun.

    That’s a good sign when called in for a second interview. Sending you positive wishes.. muwah!

    Yes, I did teach myself to knit. From a booklet I bought at Wal*Mart. Thanks for the good wishes, honey pie! -m

  8. Jalal says:

    Madam! Madam! Can ee please knit me a sweatah, I am cold n bitter in this London fog!

    You’re in London!?! Since when?! -m

  9. Cootera says:

    Good luck Mush! I’ll be sendin’ some positive vibes your way. Knitting schmitting. All sounds Greek to me what with the ribbing and all…

    Thank you so much, hon. *smooches* -m