Shigeki (the condom-measuring guy) tagged me with a meme!

One of his recent posts was a list of what he happened to have in his backpack that day, and so many people thought it was amusing he turned it into a meme and tagged me.

So here’s my bag:

In My Bag

(Click the image to enlarge it.)

BAG – My bag is a cool, soft, large bag with a wide shoulder strap and Ganesh on it.
DEBIT RECEIPTS – I’ve resorted to clipping them together so I don’t lose any before I get them entered into my PPC.
CHECKBOOK – Filled with all my plastic and ID. And checks, obviously.
IPOD USB CABLE – I tend to download MP3s at work because the Internet connection is so much faster there.
IPOD COZY – I knitted this. Isn’t it cute?
IPOD – ‘Nuff said.
SMOKES – Additive-free American Spirit cigarettes and a Bic lighter.
POCKET PC – This little device contains in its 6 ounces almost my entire brain: my Contacts, Schedule, checkbook register, video games, password & code database, and between 3 and 15 full-length ebooks. My bag would be massive without this baby, because I’d be carrying an address book, Day Planner, and a stack of treeware instead. (I simply cannot live without something to read about my person. I read ebooks in restaurants, in lobbies, in pubs.)
EYEDROPS – I wear hard (gas permeable) contact lenses.
THUMB DRIVE – This is a 256MB external USB hard drive. I do keep graphics files and crap on it, but mostly I use it to move files from one non-networked machine to another. I love it because it’s small. Small technology turns me on.
CELL PHONE – This not only is small, but it makes calls and surfs the web, and it takes pictures too. Which makes me love it so, so much.
WALLET – This is basically my change purse. Right now it contains $6 in bills, some coins, and a few tokens for free drinks at The Dew Drop or Ned’s Place. There are also about six wrapped toothpicks in it right now, but I never use them and they’re getting on my nerves so I’ll probably throw them away soon.
SUNGLASSES – You know, to cut the glare.

I don’t really carry anything very interesting, do I. But I have more processing power than MULTIVAC what with the iPod, PPC, cell phone, and thumbdrive. Heh! (Not that the thumb drive has a processor.)

I’m tagging Cootera, 80, Amped, Jon, and Logan. So: What’s in your bag (or purse/murse, laptop case, or wallet)?


8 Responses to I Love This Meme!

  1. I love your Ganesh imprinted bag most of all, and the iPod Cozy! Love the way you photographed it on the natural wood – totally suits you! What a combination of nature vs. technology!

  2. Mush says:

    Hey you! I’m really proud of the iPod cozy, thanks!

    The bag with Lord Ganesha I bought in Telluride last year and have been carrying it ever since.

  3. 80 says:

    Hmmm…trying to think about what’s in the purse. Nothing cool at all I’m sure…

  4. Mush says:

    Hey, if you’re doing the meme and your blog does trackback pings, use this URL/URI, k?

  5. Shigeki says:

    Hi Mush,

    Thank you! I looooove your bag. I mean seriously. I notice you have two compact flash cards. 🙂 Does that lighter look like “Bic”? I can’t use that lighter as my thumb’s skin will be gone. I mean it hurts when I light it. Does it hurt you?

    Cool post! Happy Sunday!

  6. Cootera says:

    Damn, Mush… now I’m going to have to get over my luddite ways and figure out how to post pictures on my blog… I’ve done it before, though. I can do it again.

  7. Sin says:

    You’re giving HAL a run for its money with that. Cray supercomputing, move over.

  8. Mush says:

    Sin, you’re alive! (I thought after your last blog post that perhaps you’d gone back into the kitchen and expired horribly.)